
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AUROCEvaluator(model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', average='macro', target_threshold=0.5)

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

AUROC evaluator.

  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • average – Type [‘macro’ or ‘micro’] of averaging performed on the results in case of multi-label task.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Bases: abc.ABC

Objects of derived classes are used to evaluate a model on a dataset using a specific metric.


Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.
calculate_at_once(output, dataset, last_activation=None)

Calculates the metric at once for the whole dataset.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • dataset – Dict that contains all information needed for a dataset by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.

AbstractEvaluatorResults object.


(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluatorResults

Bases: abc.ABC

Objects of derives classes encapsulate results of an evaluation metric.


Compares these results with the results of another object.

Parameters:other_results_object – Object of the same class.

Compares these results with the results of another object.

Parameters:other_results_object – Object of the same class.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AccuracyEvaluator(threshold=0.5, model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Accuracy evaluator.

  • threshold – Threshold above which an example is considered positive.
  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.F1Evaluator(threshold=0.5, model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', average='binary')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

F1 evaluator.

  • threshold – Threshold above which an example is considered positive.
  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • average – Type [‘binary’, ‘macro’ or ‘micro’] of averaging performed on the results.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.GenericEvaluatorResults(score, label='score', score_format='%f', is_max_better=True)

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluatorResults

Generic evaluator results.

  • score – Numeric value that represents the score.
  • label – String used in the str representation.
  • score_format – Format String used in the str representation.
  • is_max_better – Flag that signifies if larger means better.

Compares these results with the results of another object.

Parameters:other_results_object – Object of the same class.

Compares these results with the results of another object.

Parameters:other_results_object – Object of the same class.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.GenericPointWiseLossEvaluator(loss_wrapper, label='loss', score_format='%f', batch_target_key='target')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Adapter that uses an object of a class derived from AbstractLossWrapper to calculate the loss during evaluation.

  • loss_wrapper – AbstractLossWrapper object that calculates the loss.
  • label – Str used as label during printing of the loss.
  • score_format – Format used for str representation of the loss.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.MultiClassAccuracyEvaluator(model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Multi-Class Accuracy evaluator.

  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.MultiClassF1Evaluator(model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', average='macro')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Multi-Class F1 evaluator.

  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • average – Type [‘macro’ or ‘micro’] of averaging performed on the results.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.MultiClassPrecisionEvaluator(model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', average='macro')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Multi-Class Precision evaluator.

  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • average – Type [‘macro’ or ‘micro’] of averaging performed on the results.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.MultiClassRecallEvaluator(model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', average='macro')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Multi-Class Recall evaluator.

  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • average – Type [‘macro’ or ‘micro’] of averaging performed on the results.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.PrecisionEvaluator(threshold=0.5, model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', average='binary')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Precision evaluator.

  • threshold – Threshold above which an example is considered positive.
  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • average – Type [‘binary’, ‘macro’ or ‘micro’] of averaging performed on the results.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.RecallEvaluator(threshold=0.5, model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', average='binary')

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Recall evaluator.

  • threshold – Threshold above which an example is considered positive.
  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • average – Type [‘binary’, ‘macro’ or ‘micro’] of averaging performed on the results.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.
class pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.TokenLabelingEvaluatorWrapper(evaluator, batch_input_sequence_length_idx, batch_input_key='input', model_output_key=None, batch_target_key='target', end_padded=True)

Bases: pytorch_wrapper.evaluators.AbstractEvaluator

Adapter that wraps an evaluator. It is used in token labeling tasks in order to flat the output and target while discarding invalid values due to padding.

  • evaluator – The evaluator.
  • batch_input_sequence_length_idx – The index of the input list where the lengths of the sequences can be found.
  • batch_input_key – Key of the Dicts returned by the Dataloader objects that corresponds to the input of the model.
  • model_output_key – Key where the dict returned by the model contains the actual predictions. Leave None if the model returns only the predictions.
  • batch_target_key – Key where the dict (batch) contains the target values.
  • end_padded – Whether the sequences are end-padded.

Called after all batches have been processed. Calculates the metric.

Returns:AbstractEvaluatorResults object.

(Re)initializes the object. Called at the beginning of the evaluation step.

step(output, batch, last_activation=None)

Gathers information needed for performance measurement about a single batch. Called after each batch in the evaluation step.

  • output – Output of the model.
  • batch – Dict that contains all information needed for a single batch by the evaluator.
  • last_activation – The last activation of the model. Some losses work with logits and as such the last activation might not be performed inside the model’s forward method.